
Statutory Rape Law and Punishment in Texas | Get Legal Advice from a Statutory Rape Lawyer
Statutory Rape Law and Punishment in Texas | Get Legal Advice from a Statutory Rape LawyerSexual crimes are always a delicate subject, but statutory rape laws in Texas can be particularly complicated. This blog post seeks to provide guidance and clarity on this...

Theft Attorney: What You Need to Know About Stolen Property Charges and Defenses
Theft Attorney: What You Need to Know About Stolen Property Charges and DefensesHave you ever considered the complexities of theft and property crimes and the potential consequences they carry? Theft crimes can levy a significant impact on your life, from legal...

Crimes of Violence
Understanding Crimes of Violence: Types, Examples, and StatisticsViolent crime, or crimes of violence, is a pressing issue that impacts communities and individuals in myriad ways. As the world becomes more interconnected, understanding the complexities of crimes of...

Motion to Early Terminate Probation
Can I Early Terminate My Probation?Motion to Early Terminate ProbationIf you are on probation or deferred adjudication in Texas, you may be eligible to apply to early terminate your community supervision. There are several advantages to terminating your probation or...

What is Probation? Advantages and Disadvantages
What is probation?Probation is a type of community supervision that allows you to avoid serving prison time for a crime. If you are granted probation, you are convicted at the time of sentencing and no matter how well you do on community supervision, you will always...

Unlawful Restraint in Texas
Unlawful Restraint in TexasUnlawful restraint in Texas is generally a class A misdemeanor, but can be a state jail felony if the victim was younger than 17 years of age. Unlawful restraint can also be a third or second degree felony under certain circumstances. In...

Aggravated Kidnapping in Texas
Aggravated Kidnapping in TexasAggravated kidnapping in Texas is a serious charge and is usually associated with abducting another person with intent to cause them bodily injury, sexually abuse them or in the commission of another felony offense. This is sometimes also...

Kidnapping in Texas
Kidnapping in TexasKidnapping in Texas is a third degree felony offense that occurs when a person intentionally or knowingly abducts another person. Tex. Penal Code §20.03. The distinction between unlawful restraint (a misdemeanor) and kidnapping (a 3rd Degree felony)...

Motion to Revoke vs. Motion to Adjudicate
Motion to Revoke vs. Motion to AdjudicateIf you are on community supervision and you violate the terms and conditions of your community supervision, you could be facing a motion to revoke (often called a “MTR”) or a motion to adjudicate (otherwise referred to as a...

Super-Aggravated Sexual Assault vs. Continuous Sexual Assault
Super-Aggravated Sexual Assault vs. Continuous Sexual AssaultSuper-aggravated sexual assault is a term that not everybody may be familiar with. Hopefully, you are not hearing it for the first time as the result of an accusation or a charge that you are facing. If this...