Texas Will Increased Punishments For Offenses Committed During Texas State of Disaster Due to Coronavirus.

Please be advised: Governor Abbott declared a State of Disaster in Texas due to the Coronavirus on March 13, 2020.   As a result, under Texas Penal Code  Section 12.50 the punishment is increased to the next higher level for the following offenses while there is an ongoing State of Disaster at the time the offense was committed:

Assault (Section 22.01)
Robbery (Section 29.02)
Burglary (Section 30.02)
Theft (Section 31.03)

*If an offense listed under the above sections is punishable as a Class A misdemeanor, the minimum term of confinement for the offense is increased to 180 days.


If you are arrested during this time period CALL US, so that we can take the necessary measures to try and prevent you from receiving the increased punishments under the Texas Penal Code.

Here is a link to Gov. Gregg Abbott’s declaration: