Sex Crime Attorney

If you are charged with a sex crime in Texas, it is critical to consult right away with a sex crime attorney that is also a board-certified criminal defense attorney. Jodi Soyars is a board-certified criminal defense attorney with over two decades of experience defending those accused of very serious crimes, including sex offenses.
As a sex crime attorney, Jodi Soyars has a solid understanding of sex crime law and the significant impact it can have on an accused’s life. When you are accused of a sex crime, you need a defense lawyer that is committed to protecting your rights and reputation.
Whether you are defending against an adult sex crime or a child sex crime, our San Antonio sex crime attorney will provide you with the best possible legal representation. Defending against sex crime accusations requires your attorney to fight the biases impacting those believed to be sexual predators.
Our sex crime attorneys will work hard to try and protect you from going to prison or having to register as a sex offender.
Why do I need a sex crime attorney?
Society often views sex crimes against a child and violent sex crimes as the most heinous of all crimes. With that in mind, the mere accusation that someone has committed a sex crime often leads society to view the accused as already being guilty before the evidence has ever really been evaluated. This rash and often quick leap to judgement leaves those accused of a sex crime at an incredible disadvantage.
If you are accused of a sex crime, you need an experienced sex crime attorney to help you navigate the pitfalls and to help guide your case in a manageable and productive direction. Our initial goal will obviously be to try to get the case dismissed. However, if that is not possible, we will help you evaluate other options, including whether to take a plea or take it to trial.
We also look to determine whether we can avoid registration as a sex offender and prison time. Your best chance of success in defending against a sex crime accusation is to hire a very experienced sex crime attorney as soon as possible.
Many sex crimes do not have a statute of limitations period, or if they do, it does not start until the victim (if the victim is a minor) turns 18 years old. As a result, it is important to figure out early on what type of charges you could be facing and the different punishment ranges for each possible charge. In addition, you will want to know if community supervision (deferred adjudication or probation) is even an option.
In Texas, many sex crimes are not eligible to receive probation, which means if you are convicted the only available punishment is prison time. This adds another layer of complication and places sex crime cases as one of the most difficult type of cases to defend against.
What is a sex crime conviction?
If you are found guilty of a sex crime it will create a permanent criminal record. Fines and punishments range widely based on the nature of the charges. You will face significant prison time exposure and sex offender registration for most felony sex crime convictions. It is critical to consult with a skilled Texas-based sex crime attorney as soon as possible following a sex crime accusation. We will work hard to try and get the case dismissed or reduced down to a misdemeanor to avoid prison time and sex offender registration.
Most all sex crime convictions have a significant life impact on the defendant. Impacts other than prison and sex offender registration include limitations on where you can live and who you can have contact with. A conviction also can affect your child custody rights and prevent you from being a volunteer in programs that involve children, and even prevent you from holding certain types of jobs, or being able to find housing.
A sex crime attorney knows how to tackle sex crime cases from start to finish and understands how to mitigate the crimes and punishments of our accused clients. Our sex crime attorney has a proven record of success in winning the client’s cases, even the most difficult ones.
Although a client has been charged with a sex crime, it does not mean they are getting convicted of a sex crime. Contact, Jodi Soyars, our experienced San Antonio sex crime attorney to consult with her about how to approach the situation and defend yourself against this life-altering accusation.
What are the conviction consequences for a sex crime?
Being accused of a sex crime leaves a huge impact on the lives of our clients. Convictions for sex crime offenders often result in lengthy prison sentences and lifetime registration as a sex offender. This sex offender registration follows you around, preventing you from employment and housing opportunities.
Sex crime convictions will negatively impact you for years to come. Sex offenders also face more severe punishments for subsequent non-sex crimes. Sex crime convictions have an immediate impact on the sex offender’s reputation and career and affect employment, housing options, school attendance, marriage, social and interpersonal relationships.
Convictions range from lifetime imprisonment to probation, fines, sex registration requirements, and sometimes undergoing sex crime classes and treatment programs for sex offenders during probation status.
It is important to contact a sex crime attorney as soon as you or someone you know has been accused or charged. The legal accusation and potential penalties can be life changing, as some cases lead to lifetime punishments.
What should you do if you are accused of a sex crime?
Do not panic! While the charges are serious, you should contact a sex crime attorney. Our sex crime attorney is dedicated to protecting client legal rights. They understand that the sex crime legal procedure is traumatic for clients to experience. Hiring our sex crime attorney is an assurance that your case will best be represented by the most talented sex crime attorney with the most effective outcome.
It is critical to consult with Jodi Soyars, our experienced San Antonio sex crime attorney as soon as you can. If you or someone you know is experiencing a sex crime charge in Texas, seek help and legal advice from our sex crime attorney immediately. Obtain a free legal consultation from our sex crime attorney in San Antonino by scheduling a consultation today.
A Sex Crime Attorney that fights for your freedom and your reputation.
Call (210) 390-0000 or email us
now to schedule your free consultation!
“Jodi walks into the courtroom with a confidence and energy that her counterparts appear to respect. Her confidence, creative character, and strategy dismissed my case that seemed certain to go to trial. Had my case gone to trial, I trust the outcome would have been in my favor with her help. Soyars & Morgan offers convenient online payments and fair payment arrangements. Do yourself a favor and call Jodi for a consultation!”
Why should I choose Soyars & Morgan Law to defend my sex crime?
Our sex crime attorney, Jodi Soyars is Board Certified and has experience defending sex crime cases throughout Central Texas. She has extensive criminal trial experience and builds rapport with her clients, prosecutors, judges and juries—all with the express goal of providing the best possible results for someone accused of a sex crime. She is well-versed and will thoroughly advise clients on their criminal defense options, negotiated plea arrangements, and compliance with all legal standards and regulations. She is an effective advocate.
Jodi Soyars’ preparation and experience in the courtroom often means the difference between a manageable outcome versus a lifetime of stigma for an isolated mistake in judgment.
Jodi Soyars, our sex crime attorney, creates a defense strategy that works to achieve the most ideal and available outcome for her client. Additionally, she will work to petition for plea deals or for charges to be dropped or negotiated to avoid the stigma of a permanent criminal record.
Our team at Soyars & Morgan Law treat our clients with respect, dignity, patience, and emotional support. We are responsive to and communicate clearly with clients who are under great emotional weight. We will not judge you; we will only offer you the best legal defense possible.
What are sex crimes?
Sex crimes range from violent sexual conduct against another to coercive or consensual sexual conduct with another or in public. Sex crimes include crimes such as rape, sexual assault, internet sex crimes, human trafficking, statutory rape, indecent exposure, public lewdness, prostitution, etc.
Sex crimes are often classified into harsher punishment categories according to the victim’s age. For instance, sex crimes against an adult versus a teen or younger child are often seen very differently. In Texas, sex crimes against children under 6 years of age receive the harshest punishments and can start with mandatory prison sentences of no less than 25 years.
In recent years, there has also been an increase in laws to address internet sex crimes, such as online pornography, online child pornography and online solicitation of minors. Today more than ever, with technology at the touch of our fingertips, we also see more sex crime sting operations where the police attempt to catch sexual predators online before they have time to find an actual victim.